It can be said that most cryptocurrency traders rely heavily on graphs, break-even points, and previous-day ratios rather than market ratios for reference trading indicators.

However, regardless of the graph and the previous day's comparison point, the market price of cryptocurrency continues to rise or, unlike expected, a constant decline every day.

In other words, I think that relying on graphs alone can make it very difficult to judge the ups and downs, and it may lead to significant losses.

However, the reality is that most of the traders in the current cryptocurrency market rely on graphs rather than sell yields, much like the stock market. However, such an aspect consequently reveals the lower positivity of value because it relies on the absurd idea of'because yesterday rose, today will naturally go down or yesterday went down and today will rise.

In that case, even though the buy rate is high, a very stupid situation in which the value falls.

Determining the selling value of the current product by judging the selling yield is one of the most important principles in any market success law.

I hope that the cryptocurrency market is a little more mature than it is now, so that the price of cryptocurrency will always be properly evaluated.


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